

Who We Are

The Muslim Students Association (MSA) brings together Muslim students to provide resources, essential services, and educational tools needed to enhance their university experience. 

Services provided include: 

Past + recurring events include (not limited to)

Our Shura Council

Our team works as a "Shura Council" - Shura (شُورَى) is an Arabic word that means consultation and as an Islamic principle, calls upon Muslims to gather under mutual consultation and articulate with each other upon sound reason to form productive opinions and strategies. Allah ﷻ revealed in Ayah 38 of Surah Ash-Shura:

"[Those] who respond to their Lord, establish prayer, conduct their affairs by mutual consultation, and donate from what We have provided for them;"

With this principle in mind, our team operates with multiple portfolios, including: Administration, Communications, Community, Education, External, Social, Finance, Prayer, Internal, and the position of President (Amir/Amira). Each portfolio has at least one Vice President (VP), who are either elected or appointed at the end of the Winter Semester. Portfolios may also have Directors, who are interviewed and selected at the beggining of the Fall Semester, to support specific objectives within a given portfolio. 

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